2-Minute Read
As participants worked alongside God in communities of Central California, approximately 15,000 copies of The Great Controversy, alongside the Thrive health magazine, were distributed in the Santa Cruz area alone and thousands more conference-wide.
Many divine appointments were made, and amazing testimonies were shared as a result, such as the one below from Maria, one of the mission trip participants:
“As I walked to the first couple of doors that morning, I prayed for a deeper love for souls and for greater boldness in sharing the treasure we have to offer. I knocked on the third door, and a woman answered the door with a lifeless look on her face, no smile or greeting. The screen door was between us, and I opened it, as I introduced myself so that I could put the book and magazine right into her hands. She took it, [with the] Thrive magazine side up, I commented on the troubled state of our world and the dramatic increase in mental health problems, such as stress, anxiety, and depression. I knew instantly that my comment struck a chord in her heart! She agreed knowingly, with the words bursting out of her mouth with deep feeling, “That’s me! That’s my story! That’s what I’m going through right now!” I spoke of the blessing of the [Thrive] magazine as a helpful resource. I proceeded to present The Great Controversy, and, with obvious interest again, she asked what church this was associated with. I answered, and she immediately asked, “Where is it?”…I could see the door of her heart was open, and [I] offered Bible studies… She answered immediately, “Yes!…” I…told her I wanted to pray for her and asked if we could take a picture together. She stepped out, I took the picture and proceeded to pray for her needs, including praising God for our divine appointment! As I opened my eyes, her eyes were filled with tears and she asked if she could give me a hug. While hugging me she said, “God sent you here today! I know He did! I was desperate! He sent me you!”