One Book in Every Home of North America by 2026
Streams of Light
Streams of Light
Bringing hope and healing to the world through truth-filled Christian literature.
Bringing hope and healing to the world through truth-filled Christian literature.
Upcoming Events
March 16-20, 2025
Chattanooga Mission Trip
This mission will be hosted in conjunction with ASI Southern Union Chapter, the Georgia-Cumberland Conference, local Adventist churches, and Wildwood Health Institute. Help reach up to 50K homes in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
June 10-14, 2025
Liechtenstein for Christ
Join us as we embark on our first European mission trip, hosted in partnership with the Swiss Union to the country of Liechtenstein! During this mission, we’re aiming to reach the entire country in just one week.
From the Blog
January President’s Letter | 2025
Just a few weeks ago in Columbus, Ohio, four of our staff members had a beautiful opportunity to connect with so many young people who have a deep interest in the Lord’s work and who want to dedicate their lives to it.
Our Literature
Our Literature

Health Magazine (English/Spanish)
In the writings of Ellen G. White, we are told that medical missionary work is an effective way of reaching hearts and preparing them for accepting the gospel. Our magazine is designed to be a companion to The Great Controversy; providing an entering wedge for you to share the health message along with the three angels’ messages. The premier issue, themed “Coping in the Midst of Crisis,” explains how the pandemic has affected mental health across North America and how to cope with it using God-given natural remedies.
The Great Controversy (English/Spanish)
In light of current events and all that is going on in the world we have developed a new cover that draws the minds of people from the conflict to the future peace. With embedded QR codes, this full edition of The Great Controversy makes it easy for you to read, watch, or listen to the content within each chapter. This combination of the physical book with digital content makes this version more appealing and engaging to a wider audience.
New Devotional eBook!
Introducing a brand new devotional book with vital themes for God’s people living in this time of earth’s history.
“Mission Onward: Following God’s Call for These Last Days” (by Ellen G. White) focuses on helping you keep the fire kindled all year long. It goes through aspects of personal revival, the Great Commission, the three angels’ messages and its many ways of being shared, including medical missionary work, reaching the cities, and welfare ministry based on Isaiah 58.
Enjoy reading and/or listening each day as you experience personal revival in your life!
The Great Controversy should be very widely circulated….I am more anxious to see a wide circulation for this book than for any others I have written; for in The Great Controversy, the last message of warning to the world is given more distinctly than in any of my other books.
– Letter 281, 1905
Our Services
Our Services
Church Training
Join the 400+ churches all around North America by having your church trained to distribute The Great Controversy and follow up with every family in your community.
Mission Trips
This is when a church wants to distribute The Great Controversy to every home in their community or city. We help churches organize and execute these large distribution events. Join us in bringing the everlasting gospel to every large city!
Conference Outreach
This is when we partner with a conference that wants to have the The Great Controversy distributed by every church in their conference. We help organize and execute these large distribution events. Join us in reaching every community of North America!
Quick Stats
Quick Stats
Books Distributed
Conferences involved
Churches Involved
P.O. Box 2804, Clovis, CA 93613
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Call Center
1-(888) 765-SOLI
( 1-(888) 765-7654 )
Operating Hours
7:00 am – 5:00 pm Pacific time Monday – Thursday
7:00 am – 11:00 am Pacific time Friday
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 2804
Clovis, CA 93613, USA