PULLMAN, MI — Streams of Light International (SOLI) is very grateful to the Lord for making the following news possible. SOLI has signed a contract with the Oak Haven Board to purchase the entire Oak Haven property, located in Pullman, Michigan, which will enhance the vision of placing the book The Great Controversy in every home. The Lord has impressed on our hearts His burden for the big cities, which must be reached before He returns. We desire to follow His instructions for reaching these large metro areas.

On this new property, SOLI will establish a mission training school focused on reaching the big cities with the three angels’ messages. Students will be trained in the science of prayer and faith, sharing the gospel and making disciples, holding small groups and Bible readings, fostering the ministry of health and wellness, canvassing, principles of teaching and public speaking, principles of leadership, self-supporting missionary work, adapting to large city mission work, and establishing centers of influence in cities. We also plan to include training in agriculture and vocational training. The first school session will be from March through October 2025.

This purchase has been made possible because the Lord graciously sent a benefactor who loaned us the money. However, the benefactor has committed to match every donation up to the amount of the loan and give it back to this project. This means that anyone’s investment in this mission school will double. We also want to thank the Oak Haven Board for their encouragement and help.

We wish to thank the many who have been praying for this project, and we continue to solicit your prayers for the success of this mission, to the glory of God and the salvation of souls.

Jay Gallimore

Board Chairman, Streams of Light International

Oleg Lotca

President, Streams of Light International